Do you ever find that once your vehicle has been cleaned, you get the water runs come out of crevices, wing mirrors, and drip down the paint which dries on leaving water spots? Or having your car washed in direct sunlight and the water is baking onto the paint before you get a chance to dry it? Well Finesse Detailing UK has further upped their services and has had a Reverse Osmosis (RO) System built in their studio which will produce pure water for all mobile valeting and studio detailing work. The benefits of this are that the water has gone through several filters removing any impurities before being put to use and with it now being pure water, we can clean your vehicles and let the sunshine do the rest. It will leave no water spotting or drip marks behind.
For detailed paintwork, this is a highly useful and recommended procedure as the less contact on your paintwork, the longer that ‘detailed’ look will stay around for. The only contact we will have with your paintwork is the ‘Two Bucket Wash’ stage. The other stages such as’ pre-wash and rinsing will be done with no hand contact to paintwork and our filtered air drying systems allows us to dry the car without any use of drying towels. The RO System was on the cards for a while and after clients requested it, Finesse Detailing UK listened and made it happen.